Sunday, October 10, 2010

days 5-7-ish

aah, the prairies.  they have been good to us.

aside from a few run-ins with trees, keys locked in the car and the incessant bugs (6 bites in two days and counting), our time on the prairies has been quite enjoyable.

we've gotten to see old friends from cliff's panic squad days, old friends from our college days

a pleasant surprise, 

old friends from cliff's camp days, old friends from my work with mbmsi

…lots of reconnecting.  and memories!  having been a student on campus 13 years ago to be returning alumni with three kids in tow…that's a trip.  is it just me, or do college students look like 10 year olds these days?  was i ever that young?  we even returned to the spot of our first kiss and reenacted for old times sake.

one thing that has continually blessed me at every stop along the way has been my kids' flexibility.  they are so sweet (a little extra napping in the car has helped) 

and ready to engage with nearly every person we have encountered.  there have also been SO many treats along the way…older kids who wanted to play with them, random pets (chinchillas included) they've gotten to cuddle, amazing new toys at every house (including mariokart with lloyd & benj), even the rest stop along the highway offered an open field for a little soccer, wrestling and kd (i wasn't joking about the food, people).

and the  weather!  oh my word, the weather.  better than we could have even imagined.  sun everyday.  tank tops.  shorts.  flip flops.  the best.

thank you prairies!  we're going to miss you.


  1. The prairies are the best. Really, really. Love you.

  2. When I first saw the picture of the two of you, I had a momentary panic attack and thought, "Who's that brunette kissing Cliff?

    Glad you guys are have a great time. We miss you.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

