Saturday, October 23, 2010

day 20

we spent the night at the kitchener walmart and were pleased that the skateboarders chose not to punch the walls of our rv through the night - that had been a concern.

the parks family treated us to the most delightful breakfast and gave our kids a chance to play with someone else's toys yet again.  these guys were SO incredibly generous.

jackson was so sweet..all through dinner he was telling allie "good job" everytime she took a bit of her soup.

and ethan was a cudler.  settled right in my lap for storytime.

christy was my roommmate my second year at briercrest and we haven't seen eachother since my wedding eleven years ago!  it was so sweet to see her and meet her family.  she hasn't changed a bit and i think she's even more gorgeous than he was in college.

crossing the border once again and we were in a distinctively different world.  the home of tinted windows, barbed wire and burnt out buildings.  welcome to detroit.

it was with pure delight that cliff navigated the freeways...and people here seem to love us and our rv.  they were madly waving, but i felt bad for them because it seems many "michiganites" are amputees - they were all missing four fingers on one hand.

we accidentally ended up in downtown ann arbor...lovely city which i'd like to return to someday.  go wolverines...?!

we stayed at the mac daddy of all campsites.  pool, beach, golf course, train rides, carousel, mini-golf...too bad all of those things were closed.  but the people were sure nice!

1 comment:

  1. i'm ready for a little prang in my life. i am jealous of all these peeps.
