Sunday, August 29, 2010

full week

an emotional week.  big tears.  big laughs.  heavy, but light.  does that make sense?

i got to spend an amazing morning at the park with dear friends and their kidlets.
i got to celebrate an amazing little boy a week after we released his daddy to be with jesus.
i got to see an incredible woman and dear friend walk down the aisle.
i got to hang out at the beach for the afternoon with my best friend and incredibly handsome husband.
did i mention he's a super hero?
and did i mention i got my hair cut?  and "brunette-ed"?  it was a full week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry it's been such a rollercoaster for you guys lately....but glad you are surrounded by awesome friends and family.

    Yay for brunette!
