Thursday, April 8, 2010

future "miss south dakota"

seven years ago, i met luke.  he's from small town south dakota and had just returned from eight months in edmonton leading a mission team, mostly comprised of feisty young women...needless to say, he returned single and seemed quite content to stay that way for awhile.  we later went on a team together to india and spent many hours poking fun at each other from our office cubicles in the following years.  so when he greeted me at the door of his new home with his lovely wife and new baby, we had a little chuckle as neither of us ever quite anticipated this, standing on their bed taking pictures of his beautiful little family.  i'm so excited for you guys - you're going to be a great daddy, luke! 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

let the sun shine in...

soleil is french for "sun", also defined as "the star which the earth revolves around and receives light and warmth from". one look in her parent's eyes and you know she's living up to her name!

after using the frame in her maternity session in february, i knew i wanted to incorporate it into the newborn pictures as well.

is there anything better than really good friends?
well, maybe the perfect family.